
Pcsx2 full screen
Pcsx2 full screen

fullscreen = this is for loading PCSX2 in fullscreen nogui = this is for loading PCSX2 without showing its GUI


fullboot = this is for starting the emu with PS2 logo to load the language chosen in the emulator settings ( Multi5 games ) The parameters I put in the Command Line box are ( only the bold text ) : I made a little video to show you other things as well. ini files from the path you pointed in the Command Line box cfgpath="Drive letter:\yourpath\PCSX2\PCSX2 configs\Time Crisis 3" In the Emulator tab for each game you will check the Command Line box and you will put this command : Then use LaunchBox for calling the settings you want for the game you are going to play. Inside this new folder you will create folders for each game you need ( you can name the folders as the game titles and inside each of these folders you will copy the.

pcsx2 full screen pcsx2 full screen

Make a new folder inside the PCSX2 directory and name it as you want ( mine is called PCSX2 configs ). You have the PCSX2 folder and inside there is a sub-folder called "inis" where are stored the settings. Thanks to LaunchBox, you can set a Command Line to call the needed settings for the game you want to play.

pcsx2 full screen

Well, there's no need to have one folder for each game to not overwrite the settings. Surfing the topics here on Emuline I noticed some users that launch games using LaunchBox have the habit to make a folder for each PS2 game with a different copy of PCSX2 in each folder so the settings don't conflict.

Pcsx2 full screen